Spirometria: the test for the evaluation and the measurement of breath

The spirometria is the most popular diagnostic test to detect, taking into account the amount of air that a person can inhale and exhale, pulmonary parameters, or of respiratory measurable magnitudes.

Spirometry is the first diagnostic level that allows the pulmonologist to assess the possibility of further investigation.

The spirometry test is painless, it is cheap, It is repeatable and is designed to detect all the key respiratory parameters: dynamic lung volumes, the vital capacity, lung capacity, etc.

L’esame spirometrico, also referred to as Pulmonary function test, It is a non-invasive and highly reliable test which allows to detect all the parameters related to the pulmonary function. In it rely primarily those affected by restrictive or obstructive airway diseases. This exam, Furthermore, it is also particularly suitable for regular smokers with cardiovascular disease.

The 5 the most important parameters that are detected during spirometry

In general we will say that the spirometria returns reliably the conditions of lung function. In particular, it is able to detect the following parameters:

1 - Vital capacity (CV): It indicates the volume of air that an individual can emit at a slow exhalation and ceiling, from a full inspiration. The life-average capacity of a healthy adult is equal to 4,5 liters of air.

2 - Forced Vital Capacity (CVF): It indicates the maximum volume of air that can be expelled in a forced exhalation, from full inspiration.

3 - forced expiratory volume (WHOSE): It indicates the maximum volume of air that can be exhaled after maximal inspiration.

4 – Ratio of maximum expiratory volume and forced vital capacity (WHOSE / CVF): This relationship is very important to distinguish a possible problem from an obstructive restrictive.

5 – Peak Expiratory Flow (PEF): indicates the maximum speed with which the air flow can be expelled from the respiratory system starting from one full inspiration.

The ratio FEV / FVC, described in point 4, patients in normal adults ranges from 70% and 80%; a lower value of the 70% it means that the respiratory system has a obstructive deficit and therefore there is a high probability that the individual subjected to the spirometric examination is suffering from chronic bronchopneumonia obstructive (BPCO).

Why spirometry is important


If the spirometria it is performed as soon as the first symptoms related to a respiratory system disorder appear, it provides the doctor with very relevant parameters both for the development of a early diagnosis both with regard to the therapeutic path that the patient must observe. The use of this non-invasive diagnostic examination is, Furthermore, very important to control the possible respiratory disease in place and to verify the effectiveness of the therapy undertaken.

The execution of esame spirometrico it can be requested by the family doctor if a patient has respiratory disorders (chest pain, sputum production, persistent cough, etc.), or if the patient is subjected to laboratory tests have shown that values ​​outside the normal range.

It should be noted in this regard that there are many diseases that can affect the respiratory system. Among the most common we mention the following:

asthma: is an inflammatory disease characterized by a usually reversible airway obstruction lower; it can be either allergic that not allergic;

  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(Bpco): it's about a progressive lung disease characterized by a bronchial obstruction that is not completely reversible;
  • thechronic bronchitis: it is a chronic disease affecting the respiratory system; it is very debilitating and is characterized by persistent cough and excessive mucus production e pus. Acute bronchitis may occur as a complication of a common cold or seasonal flu;
  • interstitial pulmonary fibrosis: it is a chronic disease characterized by the progressive transformation of the tissue of the lungs, or the lung parenchyma, inscar tissue. Fibrosis is a non-reversible disease, so the only possible course of treatment is to improve the quality of life of patients;
  • pulmonary emphysema: it is a disease which affects the alveoli, or the small sacs that contain the air in the lungs. They progressively reduce its functionality, making the breath of the subject always shorter. The enfisema, remember, falls into the category of obstructive pulmonary disease. One of the main causes that determine the pulmonary emphysema is the smoking habit.
  • pneumonia: it is a'inflammatory disease that affects the part of the lungs terminal. It can be determined from the attack pathogenic microorganisms (such as bacteria or viruses) or from a lesion. When you contract pneumonia your lung tissue fills up with pusand other liquids, causing breathing difficulties, cough and fever.

La spirometria, remember, it is not done solely for diagnosis suspected bronchopulmonary diseases or to keep them under control in the therapeutic phase, but also to verify the suitability for the practice of athletic activities, to detect any risks before a surgery and for it screening of individuals who have a high level of risk of contracting a disease affecting the respiratory system.

Tag: spirometria, salute, health lungs, diagnostic tests, esame spirometrico

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