Sleep disorders

Donna a letto soffre d'insonnia

sleep disorders afflict a good slice of the Italian population. The most frequent causes concern wrong choice of the mattress and pillow. The result translates into muscular tension, neck pain, restless sleep, fatigue and irritability. Even worse when you suffer from certain diseases. Hyperthyroidism, breathing problems, obesity, for example, that already predispose to a bad rest, have a negative effect synergistic with the mattress and / or unsuitable pillow. but yet, to sleep disorders still missing due attention. This is bad news. The good news is that correct information, followed by the choice of best mattress and pillow for your rest, solve the root of the most common consequences arising from sleep badly. To understand more, let us see what exactly are sleep disorders and how to avoid them.

The main difficulty sleeping

The categories in which they classify the sleep disorders begin by 'Insomnia, ie a serious lack of sleep until inability to sleep because of stress, noisy environment, use of computer equipment / TVs, stimulants, certain diseases or, important, a uncomfortable mattress which causes a wrong posture in sleep. More rare l 'hypersomnia, on the contrary, it involves an invincible need to sleep well beyond the canonical 8 ore. It is a symptom not to be underestimated. The pathological need to sleep it can hide brain tumors, interesting infectious diseases CNS, or it can be the side effect of certain medications or psychiatric illness, notoriously linked to sleep disorders.

The syndromes of obstructive sleep apnea, where the problem stems from major respiratory problems and includes russamento, They are widely distributed among the obese subjects. As the name, in this case sleep disorders resulting from a repeated occlusion partial or total respiratory tract. The consequence is a reduced blood oxygenation. Even in these disorders the Choosing a mattress suitable and of a suitable pillow can help the subject.

Finally, we have parasonnie. The term refers to a broad range of sleep disorders that occur with engines imbalances Or neurovegetativi. Who is afflicted with a parasomnia sleep usually a number of normal hours, But the quality of rest is very bad. In the group are for example the sonnambulismo, the bruxism, which requires the sleeper subject to grind your teeth in your sleep, l’enuresi, namely the involuntary urination, the nightmares serious and repeated.

Also there restless legs syndrome and the somniloquio fall into this category of sleep disorders. first, he prefers the female sex, It involves fulfill involuntary movements, in particular of the lower legs, which provide a rough rest. The somniloquio indicates the talk that occurs during sleep by persons asleep and obviously unaware. the parasonnie, together, They are affected by a lot of use of a mattress and a pillow wrong, causing a posture in the wrong sleep.

Consequences of sleep disorders

Donna a letto con prtner che russa non riesce a dormireAll of these issues prevent you enjoy a quiet and restful sleep. Often there is also another victim of sleep disorders: the partners. Who beside a sleepwalker, an insomniac or a partner who snores, In fact, one regrets Chronic lack of sleep. No wonder several divorces arising out of this problem. And even that 'life expectation of those who have sleep disorders is inferior compared to those who sleep happily. Unfortunately, parasomnias and obstructive apnea can effect without such person's knowledge. Ditto for snoring. The only alarm bell is revealed Daytime chronic fatigue. Ignoring it is common, maybe because you think due to other causes.

And the long-term consequences which are? If you neglect the problem, here are the 5 risks of sleep disorders in which we encounter:

  • increased frequency and intensity of disorders of the musculoskeletal system: muscle tension, neck pain, tension headache are closely related to lack of sleep or restless sleep, especially when the cause is the wrong mattress;
  • premature aging: during the night's rest is dissolved muscular tensions which give the typical tired and tense expression, and to accelerate the appearance of wrinkles. Also it is during sleep that the skin regenerates;
  • decline in physical and mental performance day: the memory, the ability to reason, quick reflexes diminish exponentially to lack of sleep; also the verve and ability to socialize, even a sense of humor adversely affected by sleep disorders;
  • falling asleep during the day: according to statistics some of the most dangerous car accidents occur precisely because of a sudden numbness and uncontrollable, which in turn comes from serious sleep disorders;
  • increased incidence of hypertension, cardiovascular disease and diabetes: one of the most common consequences of sleep disorders, well documented, is an increase of these diseases. The mechanisms underlying reside in a state of chronic stress that hypersecretion door of catecholamines and cortisol, responsible for high blood pressure, hyperphagia and excessive stimulation of the myocardium.

The solution for sleep disorders

But the remedy for sleep disorders is what the? The answer is simple: identify and eliminate the cause. With the exception of some diseases, as mentioned the first recommended action is change mattress and pillow, if it occurs that those in use are not good. Here comes good news. The peaceful sleep generates good sleep. What does it mean? That the experience of a good mattress and finally a happy sleep have already a great relaxing effect, attracting to the bed and away the sleep disturbances.

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