The vacum massage allows you to take care of the face and body and remodel without pain profile.
It is an ancient origin technique that takes advantage of the vacuum to cause local congestion, or an increased blood supply, stimulating the microcirculatory system and allowing a more adequate nutrition of the tissues. With the vacuum effect, combined with the mechanical massage performed by the rollers, principal place of action of detachment and even distribution of fat mass, for an easier elimination of excess fat cells. At the same time the tissues are stimulated in the deep high-power from infrared and radiofrequency, that they reactivate the circulation and firming the skin surface.
The masseurs vacuum They are effective for treating various skin blemishes, besides being the ideal therapy (alone or in combination with Soft-Laser Therapy) for the treatment of cellulite, causing a cutaneous and subcutaneous improves lymphatic and blood flow, and an evident stimulation of the metabolism of fat cells and fibroblasts. It improves circulation problems and skin relaxation, producing anti-aging benefits to the body and face.
- increased fluidity of the extracellular interstitial fluid, that allows an easier removal of waste metabolites
- stimulation of microcirculation superficial and deeper venous and lymphatic drainage
- “break” of cellulite masses (the nodules of the so-called “cellulite”, more properly called “pannicolopatia edemato-fibro-sclerotica”), restoring elasticity to tissues and favoring a body contouring
- stimulation of the superficial and deep parts of the sympathetic nervous system: this action stimulates all skin sensory neurocettori, improving skin sensitivity and reflexes.